Mike and Mike Make My Ears Bleed; Bucks Win


The Bucks got a much needed win last night over Toronto.  Jennings led the way for the Bucks in a much needed win.  Luc and Ukic, yes Ukic, also had very good games to boost the Bucks.  Here is a good recap from BrewHoop.

Mike and Mike on ESPN Radio

I have to voice my absolute hate of this god-awful sports talk show.   Years ago Mike and Mike were the only sports radio show I could get on the way to work each morning.  It was painful, but it was the only option so I would tune in.  Now, I cannot make it more than one segment before I am turning the channel, the problem is there is no other option until 8am when Dan Patrick comes on.  It is rough.

Mike Greenberg(I don’t know or care if I spelled that correctly) has no business doing sports talk.  He has a Joe Buck quality in that I am not sure how much he actually cares about sports as opposed to being a celebrity.  Or he cares more since he is a fan, but does little to grow his knowledge about things outside of the Jets.  He grew up as a fan of the Jets, but knows so little outside of the NFL and MLB it is pathetic.

No Knowledge of College Football Recruiting

Greeny had no idea what the average size of  a College Football recruiting class.  Which wouldn’t be a huge issue if they didn’t talk any college football or sit next to a guy who has two sons attending Notre Dame!  How does he have not idea.  This issue comes up a lot with Greeny.  He gives too many strong opinions about college football when I do not think he watches any of it.  It also seemed like he was pushing Colt McCoy for the heisman this morning, which Colt clearly lost with his performance against Nebraska in a tight race.

Giving Football Analysis

A couple weeks ago the subject of Mark Sanchez’s fumbling problems were the topic and Greeny defended Sanchez’s sloppy ball-handling stating “Sanchez has large hands, so maybe that is why he doesn’t use two hands to protect the ball in the pocket.”  The guest at that time was Tim Hasselback, who just laughed at this suggestion.  I didn’t even have a huge problem with this suggestion, but he is way too willing to fire off “football talk” that makes him look ridiculous.


The show started out as a Brawn vs Scrawn and other little gimics that worked for a while, but at this point the bickering and arguing comes off as flirting.  Sometimes it sounds more like they are flirting than two guys arguing sports.  The problem may be that they spend more time arguing completely off-sport topics than going back and forth about a relevant sports topic.

This wouldn’t be that bad if it wasn’t every other segment.  I have already said I don’t really want more opinions from Greeny, but what I really do not want is him trying to give opinions and act like he is an analyst.  A format where they argue about sports as much as they argue about what is acceptable behavior at a wedding  would be more bearable.  Again, the biggest problem with this non-sports arguing is that it goes on more than sports talk.

Lolly-pop Interviews

I understand shows need to get guests and to keep getting guests you need to treat them decently.  I get that.  But, today they had Colt McCoy on the show and asked him nothing about the end of the Nebraska game.  A very simple question would have been, “WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?”, this is something I really want to hear an answer to as it looked as if Colt had been in the Andy Reid school of clock management.  Instead we get a bunch of “How will it feel to win the Heisman?”, “How happy are you to be in the championship game?”  “Would you prefer a playoff?” questions.  Do some of those questions, fine, but ask Colt if he is aware of his brain-freeze and how he could have cost his team the game.

We Do Not Need More NY Sports or Notre Dame

Another big issue I have with the show is Greeny is an avid Jets fan and season ticket holder.  Golic is a Notre Dame alum and has two sons now attending and playing football there.  WE DO NOT NEED MORE NY OR NOTRE DAME TALK.

Who Actually Likes the Show

The big question I have is who actually likes this show?  Is this targeted for men with kids who were only casual sports fans at best to begin with?  Or women?  Any serious sports fan cannot possibly like this show.  Is there something I am missing?