Milwaukee Bucks Grades, Reactions to 90-88 Win Over Portland Trailblazers

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Mandatory Credit: Jeremy Brevard-USA TODAY Sports

Jason Kidd, C+

  • He got away with a five minute second quarter scoring drought mainly because of Portland’s forgettable first half. You would think MCW, Middleton, Vaughn. JOB, and Henson would have created more offense, but it wasn’t until Jabari re-entered the game that they scored again. At that time the Bucks still held a decent lead (seven points), but the chance to crush the Blazers was there and Kidd stuck with a lineup that wasn’t up to task.
  • Deftly saved Giannis and Monroe for the home stretch in the fourth quarter–letting them rest until roughly the final four minutes. It worked out well, in retrospect, but if the Bucks lost there would have been all kinds of questions. The most prominent being why on earth do you not play your two best players in crunch time while the game is getting away. But Kidd is stubborn about his lineups. This time it worked out OK, if barely.

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