And, with Brogdon, Snell, Middleton, and Giannis as starters, there are four very capable defenders playing a lot of minutes. That is not an easy lineup to score on, and that is evident in the Bucks rise in defensive ratings over the past couple weeks. Just behind Giannis, Malcolm was second on the team in assists this week and also second in steals. Humble Moses just keeps providing for this squad.
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Malcolm Brogdon President Guard
Last week: 4 GP: 31.8 mins/11.0 pts/4.3 rebs/3.3 asts
Last rank: 8

Dario Saric seems to be pulling away in the Rookie of the Year competition to the national public, but that is not going to Brogdon’s head. The President Guard continues to put up quality outing after quality outing. Brogdon played the second-most minutes on the team this week and made up for poor three-point shooting (4-for-16, 25.0%) by finishing inside remarkably well (13-for-18, 72.2%).
Now that we are seeing Brogdon attack the rack and finish, his game has become even more versatile on the offensive end.
And, with Brogdon, Snell, Middleton, and Giannis as starters, there are four very capable defenders playing a lot of minutes. That is not an easy lineup to score on, and that is evident in the Bucks rise in defensive ratings over the past couple weeks. Just behind Giannis, Malcolm was second on the team in assists this week and also second in steals. Humble Moses just keeps providing for this squad.