Milwaukee Bucks: Media Day roundup 2017-18 season

MILWAUKEE, WI - APRIL 10: (Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images)
MILWAUKEE, WI - APRIL 10: (Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images) /
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MILWAUKEE, WI – APRIL 27: (Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images)
MILWAUKEE, WI – APRIL 27: (Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images) /

Thon Maker

Maker on his summer:

"“I think I had a great summer. I was here for the most part. I spent some time with my family, hit the weight room a little bit, but mostly I was working on my basketball.”"

Maker on the biggest challenge of his rookie season:

"“The toughest part was probably handling the off-court stuff at the same time as the on-court, and knowing that on-court is a business, and you’ve got to be able to perform and also live a regular life.”"

Maker on postseason play:

"“I enjoyed the playoffs last year. And it felt great just being on the court and getting to experience it. I can always carry that going forward, and knowing now that when we get to the playoffs, what kind of ball game it is, what we have to do to win, and how important execution is.”"

Maker on the team’s defense late last season:

"“That was what I was talking about pre-draft when I came out with the statement of ‘Team all-length’. I think it was shown by each guy, because we didn’t just go out there and go through the motions. We were playing hard, we held each other accountable, and everyone was performing using that length.”"

Maker on his biggest focus coming into the season:

"“I had to hit the weight rooms hard this offseason. I was working on my base a lot. I knew I needed to take care of my joints, my knees and ankles. Being this tall and having to guard bigger guys and also move with the smaller guys, it’s going to wear on your body. So I have to take care of my body, and that comes from building a strong base.”"