Grading A.J. Green’s fantastic deal with the Milwaukee Bucks

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - DECEMBER 30 (Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - DECEMBER 30 (Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images) /
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Milwaukee Bucks: A.J. Green, Chicago Bulls: Coby White
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – OCTOBER 11 (Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images) /

Assessing A.J. Green’s fit and role with the Milwaukee Bucks

The Bucks’ exit in the playoffs was down to many factors, and one of those was their shooting. Over recent seasons, the Bucks have had a number of shooting specialists, with the likes of Kyle Korver and, more recently, Bryn Forbes and Grayson Allen. With Allen still on the roster and the additions of Beasley and Green, the Bucks have plenty of shooters on the team, which we all know is incredibly valuable in the modern-day NBA.

With rumors being rife over the Bucks potentially looking to make a trade, Allen and Pat Connaughton could be the sort of players that the front office is open to moving. Having added Beasley and Green to the 15-man along with MarJon Beauchamp going into his sophomore season, the Bucks have a plethora of wings, but also it creates a bit of a log jam.

His shooting can be valuable in close-game situations, and his ability to stretch the floor is also a huge plus for Milwaukee. With Giannis Antetokounmpo drawing so much attention when he drives to the paint, having a guy like Green on the perimeter, who is a reliable shooter, gives the Bucks an extra dimension to their game and should be one that causes havoc for the opposition.

35 games as a two-way player averaging around 10 minutes a game shows a lot about Green and the belief the coaching staff had in him. With a younger roster and new head coach with player development at the forefront of his plans, Green may see an increase to around 15 minutes and will certainly play more games.

To conclude, Green will be a valuable asset from the bench for the Bucks and provide much-needed spacing and scoring from deep.