Milwaukee Bucks: All-Time Greatest 15 Man Roster

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Jon McGlocklin – Third String

If you had to name a Mr Milwaukee Bucks, McGlocklin would certainly be one of the first names to come to mind.

Although he was an NBA player from just before the Bucks came into existence, McGlocklin has been with the franchise since day one having been selected as part of the expansion draft when the team entered the league.

McGlocklin came from the San Diego Rockets were he never truly found his feet in the rotation, after having a low key first two seasons of his professional career with the Cincinnati Royals.

When Jonny Mac arrived in Milwaukee all of that changed though.

"When I came (to Milwaukee) my numbers went up. That year I made the All-Star Team and really found my NBA life during my fourth year. I think it was my style of play and that the coach in Milwaukee kind of built a lot of the offense around me. So I had more playing time, more opportunities for the type of player that I was, and the type of shooter that I was. The environment, the coach, the players, and the type of system really went to my skills as a player. I really had a chance to blossom."

McGlocklin averaged over 19 points per game in his first season as a Buck, a mark that would remain his career high but also helped to set the table for the greater success yet to come for Milwaukee.

The Bucks, to me, they’re our family. I realize it’s changed but it’s still the franchise, the organization, the logo. That’s family to us. We’ve been here since June of ’68. We raised our family here. – Jon McGlocklin

McGlocklin had a significant role to play in that too, as the former Indiana Hoosier was regularly a difference-maker en route to the franchise’s one and only title success in 1971.

After his playing days came to a close, McGlocklin never went very far away, becoming a part of the Bucks broadcast team up to this very day.

"Every owner, every coach, every general manager, every player, every trainer. I’ve seen all of them."

If McGlocklin’s impact as a player hadn’t already sealed an everlasting legacy in Milwaukee for him, what he has continued to mean to the franchise for the best part of 50 years certainly finished the job for him.

Next: Michael Redd