Guessing the Jams of Giannis: A Game for the Slam Dunk Contest


Giannis Antetokounmpo’s first Slam Dunk Contest. Here is what we know: There are only two dunks per player in this current format, and three attempts per dunk. Giannis has been receiving tutelage from his brother Thanasis, himself a participant of the NBA Development League Dunk Contest in 2014. Everything else is a mystery. So rather than attempt to predict what sort of amazing dunks the Greek Freak may have up his massive sleeves, we have the ultimate party guessing game to ensure maximum entertainment during the Sprite Slam Dunk Contest. As the huge Bucks and Giannis Antetokounmpo fans we are, we are going to focus this game solely on the two dunks Giannis will perform.

Here is how you play:


Order of Gameplay

  • Stage 1: Place Setups
  • Stage 2: Place Actions
  • Stage 3: Place Results
  • Stage 4: Score First Round
  • Stage 5: Place Setups
  • Stage 6: Place Actions
  • Stage 7: Place Results
  • Stage 8: Score Round 2
  • Stage 9: Combine Scores from Round 1 and Round 2


The objective is to score more points than the other players/participants. You receive points by being correct on guesses, you lose points by being incorrect on guesses.

Everyone receives ten (10) guess to start, and after the first dunk, they receive an additional two (2) guesses. You do not have to use all of your guesses, but you must use a minimum of seven (7) guesses, otherwise you will not be eligible to win.

Each correct guess is worth one (1) point, while an incorrect guess will subtract one (1) point from your total score.

Much like Boggle or Scattergories, if mutliple players get the same guess correct, they will net zero (0) points for that correct answer. They will, however, still both lose points in the event they guess the same thing wrong. For instance, if multiple players guess that Giannis will dunk from the free throw line on his first dunk and he does, all of those players receive zero (o) points, but if Giannis dunks from the baseline instead, both players lose one (1) point.


Everyone places guesses in the first category (Setups), up to six (6) guesses (but I would not advise spending all of your guesses so quickly). After each category, you are allowed to compare your guesses with the other players, but you are not allowed to redo any guesses. After the first category is complete and players have compared their guesses, everyone moves on to the second category (Actions) and repeats the same process. After players review their guess, everyone then fills out the third and final category (Results).

After the first dunk concludes, everyone receives two (2) additional guesses, along with whatever guesses they did not spend during the first round. Players then place their remaining guesses in the same fashion as they did the first round. In the second round, each guess for the second dunk is worth an additional one (1) points if correct, but worth minus two (2) points if incorrect.

You CAN, however, place guesses for the second dunk during the guessing rounds for the first dunk (though it must be in the correct category – You can not place a Results guess during an Actions round). There is an advantage to this: Any guess you place on the second dunk BEFORE the first dunk plays out is worth an additional two (2) points instead of one (1) if correct.

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The categories are:

  • Setups
  • Actions
  • Results

Descriptions are provided as followed:


Setups are items and people involved in the dunk, as well as origin point of the dunk. This is fairly straightforward.

 Examples of Setups:

  • Uses brother Thanasis
  • Uses Spike Lee
  • Two Basketballs
  • Starts dunk from beyond free throw line
  • Deploys painting of himself dunking over that very same painting
  • Bounces ball to self
  • Receives lob pass


Actions are the center of this game, and the dunk contest itself. Actions are specifically what dunk Giannis will do. Will he reverse dunk? Will he double clutch?

You can parlay some actions with a left or right direction for two (2) points instead of one (1). However, since Giannis is right handed, guessing an action where he finishes with his left hand will net an additional point for a total of three (3) points. As is the case with all parlays, no partial credit is awarded. Likewise, if a parlay is correct, and someone else guessed the same action without the parlay, both players miss out on points awarded for the action, but the points for the parlay will be awarded. See examples below:

Person A “Windmill – left handed”.

Person B: “Windmill”.

Actual Dunk: Right handed windmill.

Result: Person A loses one (1) point; Person B gains (1) point.

Person A “Windmill – left handed”.

Person B: “Windmill”.

Actual Dunk: Left handed windmill.

Result: Person A gains two (2) points; Person B gains nothing.

Examples of Actions:

  • Behind the back
  • Behind the back – right hand to left hand
  • Between the legs
  • Two handed finish
  • Reverse dunk
  • Windmill – left handed


Items in the Execution category are details about how Giannis pulls off the dunk. How many tries does it take him? Does the crowd go ballistic after his attempt? Some executions are subjective. Because of this nature, you are only allowed three (3) out of your twelve (12) guesses to be in Executions.

Example of Executions:

  • Dunks it on 1st attempt
  • Dunks it on 3rd attempt
  • Misses on all 3 attempts
  • Catches ball too high
  • Dunk causes minimal crowd noise


We do not approve of this scene happening at your All-Star Saturday Party.

We at Behind the Buck Pass believe first and foremost that victory is the greatest reward. If you must have rewards, we recommend some-sort of dunk trophy. Maybe the winner can declare themselves Slam Dunk Royalty and demand his or her subjects bring them dip whenever they feel the need to “dunk” a chip or crudité for the rest of the night. We do not condone having the winner “posterize” the loser. Let’s leave the real dunking to the pros.

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